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The Bradley Family Story

A little history

Its funny since we started this blog all I can think of is writing in it. I feel as if we need to give some history about The Bradley Family. Not sure how much you want to know or need to know but here we go. I have stated before I am a mother of five wonderful children and I will always say that is my best part of my life. Those five life's have made me who I am. You always think you will have children and teach them but really they teach you. They help you find who you will become in life. If that makes sense. I started parenthood at the young age of just 18 and believe it or not he was very much wanted not a mistake at all. I was young and crazy in love, yes very crazy. I had some very close friends try to talk me out of it but there was no way of doing that. My son soon became the love of my life, then a year and a half later his sister became my second love in my life. They were my world. My life was not the best with my husband at the time so the children and I lived in our own little world most of the time. They will never remember that but it was how it was. That marriage did not last and soon I did find husband number two. I was not meant to be alone, so I thought. And soon I had child number three. My wonderful Jessie Bear is what we called her. She was only one maybe two when her father and I divorced and we became a single parent household. We lived fine like that. I worked hard and we survived. They had me and that is all my children needed. I had my parents help and a sister that I was close with. My children went to daycare and we had a small apartment and we survived. It was the way it had to be. It went on that way for years. We had fun and I had fun. Being single was nice but there came a time when I thought I should find a man my my children and I. I should settle down. Then all of a sudden it happened, when you least expect it. I was switching jobs and they had a party for me, we all went out to say goodbye. One of they guys I worked with for the past year asked me to dance, well its history from there. I mean it. A year from that date we were married. Not really sure how it all came to play but he called and kept calling. I thought he was crazy at first. He was 4 years younger than me, no children. A stable guy, no baggage, came from a good family, that didn't care I had children. It just worked. We just worked. The kids love him and he loves the kids. Not to say that it was all easy. There was adjustments I mean the kids were used to just me for years. I was a push over. I was used to doing things my way and having someone else have a say in things is hard. We still have problems with that. Russell adopted the older children about 6 months after we were married, we all became one happy family for the most part. I mean every family has problems, we do have problems. We are not perfect. I will not claim to have a perfect family. We fight. The kids fight. We fight with the kids. But we always try to work it out. In the end we all Love each other, more than life itself, we would do anything for each other. That is what family is all about. We wanted to expand our family so two years after we married we had our first child together, then five years after him we had our daughter. Wow that is five children. I would of had 10 children but Russell said no. He said we have been blessed with five happy (most of the time) healthy children lets not press our luck. I do agree. I still wish I had more. We are so lucky that our daughter Jen (my second child) has two children of her own, my loving grandchildren. Oh man I wanted to tell about me but it seems my children are one of my biggest joy's and I need to put the dogs out so I will have to come back and blog about other parts of me.........

This was taken a few years ago now my younger son is taller than his older brother

My honey and I, when my son Little Russell was small we asked him what he thought mommy's name was and he said "Honey"

One of my favorite pictures again was taken a few years ago it is hard to get us all together now. Chris my oldest live in California, Jennifer lives in North Carolina, and Jessica lives in Hawaii. We never get them all home at the same time. We miss them like crazy but with skype we get to see them almost everyday or at least weekly.

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